LSO Bar Exam Practice Questions

Note: Please be informed that we have now upgraded our Bar Exam Practice Questions to fully simulate the current LSO online exam format. We have updated the questions and the exam time. We have also included additional questions that cover topics including the Vavilov and Bell cases in Public Law; Equality, Inclusion and Diversity, and so on. More updates are regularly provided.

Available are full Practice Exams for:

                                         Barrister Licensing Exams

                                         Solicitor Licensing Exams

  1. There are 2 different versions in either Barrister or Solicitor to buy from. Each Version consists of 160 different questions for each exam. (Please see the full features of our Practice Exams here).
  2. Each Version starts from $50 (CAD). You may decide to purchase one version for each exam or the two versions for each exam, as you prefer.
  3. Once purchased, your license code will be instantly added to your list of subscriptions on your portal, and becomes available for you to use for the practice exams immediately. Additional messages may be sent to your email address. Ensure you provide us with a valid email address.
  4. And if you choose to go for individual subjects like Professional Responsibility, Criminal Law, Family Law, Real Estate, etc, then you are covered. You can subscribe for individual subjects, starting at only $20 per subject per exam of 40 questions.

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    Materials for LSO Articling Students
    • Resources for articling students
    • Applying for abridgment of articling period
    • Applying for exemption from articling