We warmly welcome you to our site, the Bar Exam Support (BES).
Our mission at BES is to support your dreams and aspirations to become licensed as a lawyer in that jurisdiction of your dream. In doing this, we will support you with study materials and many other resources that will help you pass your bar exams in that jurisdiction, whether you are a student in the law school or sitting as an independent candidate.
Before now, BES was a division of iNTRACI for international lawyers. But there arose the need to extricate BES in order to provide quality and dedicated service to law school students and bar candidates from many jurisdictions all over the world.
Before the separation from iNTRACI, however, we had received numerous feedback from many bar candidates who made use of our bar preparation materials, most especially our bar Practice Exams. Many students testified that our Bar Practice Exams helped them tremendously in passing their bar exams.
Many of these testimonies abound, and it made us happy that we were on the right track. And this informed the need for us to refocus on providing bar prep materials for the benefits of the many students and candidates who need them.
BES will be providing support in multiple jurisdictions. Therefore, please select your jurisdiction from our list and check all the available resources for bar candidates in that jurisdiction.
Note that at the moment: only support materials for bar candidates in Ontario (Canada) are available. But other jurisdictions will be added as time goes on.

The BES Team (BEST, we call ourselves) is led by Manuel Akinshola Esq. He is a lawyer who is licensed to practice in three jurisdictions – Nigeria, England & Wales, and (Ontario) Canada. He has acquired extensive legal practice experience spanning over 25 years across these multiple jurisdictions. He has brought into this project his vast experience in writing bar exams across those jurisdictions. His experience is tremendously useful and his work resourceful, as testified to by many users. And this is the successful experience which he chose to share with you, so you too may succeed and become licensed in the jurisdiction of your choice. We have many other staff, partners and associates who are also involved in this project, and who contribute their diverse quotas in making this project a success.
Should you require any further information about us, or you think there are areas in which we can partner, cooperate or collaborate, please contact us Here.