Yes, our website is fully secured.
This means:
– We are taking every necessary precaution to safeguard and protect users of our site. To this end, we ensure that we purchase and made use of latest security and protection software.
– Your financial transactions and details are secure. In the first place, when you want to make a purchase or subscription on our site, you will be taken to the secured platforms of world-renowned payment processors of PayPal or Stripe. Your financial transactions will be processed successfully on their platforms before you are returned to our site. This means that we do not have access to any of your financial details AT ALL. Secondly, we do not save or store any of your financial details on our website. We do not even request for them.
– We do not sell or share your contact details. Any information you provide is jealously guarded.
– We ensure your privacy. In most cases, a separate and private portal will be created for you. With this, all information relating to your practice sessions, results, subscriptions, etc. can only be accessed by you.
And many more security and privacy features to make your use of our services worthwhile and comfortable.
So, you have nothing to worry about while on our website.