Announcements, Information, Latest News

Affordable yet Resourceful

Why is our Bar Practice Exams (BPE) so cheap, you may ask?

It’s simply because of our belief that no candidate should break the bank to pass his or her bar exams.

Getting to this stage is exhausting enough – financially, materially, mentally, psychologically and otherwise. Many students have had to take student’s loans which would still take many years to repay. Or work themselves sore to keep up with the financial demands. Many parents and guardians have drained their material resources just to see their children and wards through law school.

And having got to this stage, such students deserve all the support they can get to surmount the last hurdle in becoming a lawyer.

This is why we have fashioned (and will keep doing so) our bar exams in such a way to make it affordable and within the financial reach of all students.

Mind you, being affordable doesn’t detract from the value.

Our BPE remains top-notch and resourceful, and will continue to be so even as we continue to make it easy for students and candidates to subscribe.

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Announcements, Information, Latest News

The LSO Bar Practice Exams Welcome Address

It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you to the launch of our Law Society of Ontario (LSO) Bar Practice Exams (BPE) on a clean and separate portal.

Before now, our LSO BPE was part of a consortium that included exam prep materials from other sources. The NCA (National Committee on Accreditation) exams for foreign-trained lawyers and law graduates, called iNTRACI.

Why BES Was Separated From iNTRACI

We launched the LSO BPE in January 2020 as part of iNTRACI. However, within a short period of twelve months, we enjoyed such tremendous patronage and positive feedback. It immediately became clear that we needed to make our Bar Practice Exams a standalone outfit to benefit many more bar candidates.

The positive feedback we received from many subscribers urged us on. We were particularly awed by the fact that many candidates would first purchase one practice exam, ostensibly to try it out. Then when they see how resourceful our practice exams are, they come back for more.

It is even more gratifying when candidates subscribed to our practice exams, passed one exam, and then returned to subscribe for their subsequent bar exam. Many of these candidates wrote back to confirm that our practice exams tremendously helped them pass their bar exams. What more can one ask for than to see a vision come alive!

This huge patronage and positive feedback energized us to separate the BPE from iNTRACI. Indeed, this will ensure wider reach so that many candidates will not think it’s for NCA candidates only.

The LSO Bar Practice Exams Portal

While constructing this website, we introduced so many innovations into our LSO BPE, many of which were not available before. We have restructured our BPE to resemble the real Ontario licensing exam as nearly as possible. This, primarily, helps candidates become familiar with the actual exam even before attempting it. And many candidates have confirmed in the past that our BPE is one of the best around.

We are so confident of our LSO BPE that we have introduced a free demo for all users to try out the BPE and confirm for themselves how wonderful it is.

In addition to the LSO BPE, we will likewise include bar practice exams from other jurisdictions. So, as time goes on, you will find these practice exams on our site from as many different jurisdictions as possible.
The taste of the pudding is in the eating. Try out our BPE today, and we are sure that your positive feedback will be the next.

– Manuel Akinshola

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Announcements, Latest News

Our Website Is Fully Secured

Yes, our website is fully secured.

This means:

– We are taking every necessary precaution to safeguard and protect users of our site. To this end, we ensure that we purchase and made use of latest security and protection software.

– Your financial transactions and details are secure. In the first place, when you want to make a purchase or subscription on our site, you will be taken to the secured platforms of world-renowned payment processors of PayPal or Stripe. Your financial transactions will be processed successfully on their platforms before you are returned to our site. This means that we do not have access to any of your financial details AT ALL. Secondly, we do not save or store any of your financial details on our website. We do not even request for them.

– We do not sell or share your contact details. Any information you provide is jealously guarded.

– We ensure your privacy. In most cases, a separate and private portal will be created for you. With this, all information relating to your practice sessions, results, subscriptions, etc. can only be accessed by you.

And many more security and privacy features to make your use of our services worthwhile and comfortable.

So, you have nothing to worry about while on our website.

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Partners Wanted Worldwide

Our mission is to provide bar practice exams for all jurisdictions where bar exams are required as part of the licensing process.

To this end, we seek partners from all jurisdictions where bar exams are prescribed.

If you are in such a jurisdiction, whether a lawyer, law graduate or law student, and you are interested in partnering with us in providing bar practice exams and other study resources for your jurisdiction, please get in touch by using our ‘Contact us’ button above; select Partnership/Collaborative Ventures from the dropdown and provide us with some information including your jurisdiction.

We will surely revert to you.

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